Project kata in two clicks (well, almost)

In all articles about kata on the site, you can see a link to a .bat file that allows you to quickly create an initial project for a task.


  1. Decide where your projects will be located (for example, in the Kata folder on drive C)
  2. Download the bat file to this folder
  3. The bat-file mechanism is designed for net5.0 and if you do not have the appropriate SDK installed, then a small change should be made before use
    • open the file with any text editor
    • replace net5.0 in the first line with the version you are using (netcoreapp3.1, netcoreapp2.1, net462...) and save the file
  4. Run the file by double clicking

A project for the corresponding лata with all the necessary libraries and dependencies will be automatically created in the folder. You can open it and start training.

Projects are created with postfix _{Number}, so there is no need to delete the results of previous lessons.